
The firm puts together teams of skilled and experienced professionals to provide its clients with the right answers to all their legal needs.

It draws on a network of French and international experts.


Ackfords is an independent law firm founded by Maître Glenn Le Louarn, a member of the Paris Bar since 2005, who has acquired extensive expertise and experience in the practice of business law, particularly corporate and commercial laws, with French and international law firms.

The firm provides tailor-made skills for each of its clients’ projects, bringing in, where appropriate and with its clients’ consent, experienced legal professionals with complementary disciplinary skills. In this way, the firm’s clients benefit from the best legal advice, while retaining a single, privileged point of contact.

Although totally independent, Ackfords works regularly and closely with a network of competent and experienced French and international legal professionals.



Ackfords is constantly seeking to work with the best practitioners in all areas of business law and to attract new talent, both young and experienced, to strengthen its teams.

In this respect, applications for internships and associate positions should be sent to the following email address:

In addition, the firm devotes considerable effort to ongoing training in order to keep abreast of legislative and regulatory developments as well as market practice, so that it is always in a position to offer and guarantee its clients high quality of service.
